Paloma García García




You can see the output website of this project HERE

You can explore now the output of the workshop Speculative Cartographies: Experiments in mapping Strip-S that took place in October 2020. This multilayer map represents the journey that the participants did through the Strijp-S exploring their cartographies. This website allows a dynamic interaction with the reader who can activate and deactivate the different layers of variables. This is not a simple map, it is an endless sequence of parameters overlayed. Every time you refresh the website you will get a different combination of overlapping maps.

This interactive map contains the contributions of the participants divided into two categories: the blue layers are RECOLLECTION maps and they redraw parameters that are extracted from the maps and cartographies that already exist of the area. The orange maps are the SPECULATION layers which draw imaginary parameters that speculate with variables that are not in the existing cartographies.

Speculative Cartographies: Experiments in mapping Strijp S was a workshop that explored the potential of maps as elements of socio-political communication and definition of public space. We analyzed, extracted, redefined and produced new maps of Strip-S that revealed the key parameters that determine public and private spaces. We developed new visual codes to share and interpret our own speculations of the area.

This workshop followed a 2020 social distancing format that consisted of a self-run session that could be carried out at any time, by anyone, within one week by following the instructions that were in the info-pack. During this time, participants were not alone but connected among them in a chat-room in which we were actively sharing references, conclusions, thoughts or doubts.

This workshop was part of the program Meeting Grounds Edition #2 promoted by Onomatopee. It sought to examine Strijp-S as a composite public domain that bridges public and private, space and non-space and embodies generation and generation of tangible and intangible heritage.